Thursday, November 8, 2012

12 December 23 Advent 4C

Leader: Hear us, Shepherd of Israel
Children: Shine your light and let the whole world see
All: You are mighty, and we need your salvation. 

Leader:  How long O Lord, will you make us wait? 
Children: Without you, we're sad and crying! 
All: Almighty God, our salvation is in your very presence with us.

12 December 16 Advent 3C

Leader: God is our salvation!
Children: We will trust and not be afraid.
All: The Lord, the Lord himself, is our strength and our defense

 Leader: Give thanks to God and proclaim his name
Children: Let's tweet and text and blog and post! 
All: As we joyfully draw water from the wells of salvation, 
Let us shout and sing, for the Holy One of Israel has done it all!

12 Dec 9, Advent 2 C

Leader: Praise the Lord, the God of Israel!
All: He has come to his people and set them free

Children: Praise God who keeps his promises! 
All: He set the power of salvation in the center of our lives

Leader: Blessed be God, who brings salvation through the house of David
All: Who shows mercy to our ancestors, and rescues us from evil. 

Children: We can worship God without fear
All: The Lord himself makes us holy and righteous, so we can serve him. 

Leader: Praise God who raised up John the Baptist, the prophet,
All: He prepared the way, so God's people might know salvation

Children: God chooses to forgive our sin! He is kind! He is gentle!
All: The light from heaven will break in upon us
To shine on those in the darkness, 
And in the shadow of death. 
One step at a time, God will show us the path of peace.

12 December 2 Advent 1C

Leader: Lord we turn to you
Children: Please don't let us be humiliated!
All: No one who waits for God will be let down, disgraced, or ashamed. 

Leader:  You are the God of our salvation
Children: Show us your tracks and trails, your paths and roads
All: Lead us step by step as we follow your directions, 
You are just and fair, and your kindness lasts forever. 

12 November 25

Leader: Pay attention! The Lord is King!
Children: How do you know that? How is God King? 
All: The Lord reigns over all the earth from the beginning.

Leader: The Lord on high is majestic and awesome
Children: The Lord is stronger than the sea and louder than fireworks
All: Beauty and holiness are the hallmarks of God's rule. 
Let us praise the King!

12 November 18

Leader: We take refuge in you alone, O Lord
Children: We won't go shopping for another god.
All: We choose to worship God, he is the source of all that is good.

Leader: Let us bless the Lord, who teaches us wisdom
Children: Our first choice and our only choice is the living God
All: You set our feet on the path of life,
And we rejoice with deep joy, for you are with us today.